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South Korea food journey

Basil, Pepper, Peppercorns, Noodles

South Korea, an East Asian nation on the southern half of the Korean Peninsula, shares one of the world’s most heavily militarized borders with North Korea. It’s equally known for its green, hilly countryside dotted with cherry trees and centuries-old Buddhist temples, plus its coastal fishing villages, sub-tropical islands and high-tech cities such as Seoul, the capital

Kimchi. Kimchi is probably the most recognizable traditional Korean food in the world. Napa cabbage is more commonly used for kimchi although various vegetables can be fermented to make kimchi too

These foods can cost anywhere between 1,000 and 8,000 won (about $1 to $6) and are worth every bite. Some key foods to taste are tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cakes), hotteok (filled pancakes) and bungeo-ppang (red bean pastries).

Since a traditional Korean breakfast has rice, soup, meat, and a full array of side dishes, this breakfast includes grilled short ribs (galbi), spicy seafood salad, bean sprout rice (kongnamul bab), spicy stewed fish, cold cucumber soup (oi naengguk), seasoned kelp, and radish strip kimchi (moo saengchae)

Translation in Telugu
Salad, Tomato Mozzarella, Mozzarella
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