Bangladesh, to the east of India on the Bay of Bengal, is a South Asian country marked by lush greenery and many waterways. Its Padma (Ganges), Meghna and Jamuna rivers create fertile plains, and travel by boat is common. On the southern coast, the Sundarbans, an enormous mangrove forest shared with Eastern India, is home to the royal Bengal tiger,bangladesh most beautiful country in the world,Bangladesh History, Capital,Map,flag,population,and facts,dhaka Bangladesh the most densely populated city in the world,riding on top of a train in Bangladesh bd,
Hilsa (or ilish) curry is the national dish of Bangladesh, made from the Hilsa fish, and is one of the most popular traditional Bangladeshi dishes
A typical Bangladeshi breakfast consists of Roti (flat bread), Paratha (kind of thick pancake) with Sabji (mix of overcooked vegetables that is often cold) and Dahl (lentil sauce that also is often cold). A breakfast for two persons sets you back around 30 eurocents.
Bangladesh is famous for its delicious food and desserts. The specialty of Bangladeshi food is they are spicy. Rice is the main Bangladeshi food. Rice, fish curry, and lentil is the most common traditional Bangladeshi food for general people.
Translation in Telugu
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