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Mongolia Food Journey

Mongolia, a nation bordered by China and Russia, is known for vast, rugged expanses and nomadic culture. Its capital, Ulaanbaatar, centers around Chinggis Khaan (Genghis Khan) Square, named for the notorious founder of the 13th- and 14th-century Mongol Empire. Also in Ulaanbaatar are the National Museum of Mongolia, displaying historic and ethnographic artifacts, and the restored 1830 Gandantegchinlen Monastery. The national capital, Ulaanbaatar,Mongolia World Most Beautiful Country the Mongol warrior would typically pack dried meat some cheese. and fermented milk alcohol in addition to this he might pack a bag of onions meat and rice that would be placed under the saddle. and would be slowly cooked by the friction of his body. and the horses turning it into a stew like substance. Some Mongolians operate illegal meat and leather trade. Dog meat is said to have a special healing effect, and it is often used in the treatment of lung diseases. Chinese and Koreans who live in Mongo
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Austria Food Journey

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Cyprus Food Journey in Russian

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Germany Food Journey

Germany is a Western European country with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Munich is known for its Oktoberfest and beer halls, including the 16th-century Hofbräuhaus. Frankfurt, German food is rich, hearty and diverse. It's comfort eating with high-quality, often locally sourced ingredients. The cuisine of Germany has been shaped not only by the country's agricultural traditions but by the many immigrants that have made the country home over the centuries Compared to some other European countries, Germany is not very expensive. The costs of food, housing, clothing and cultural activities are slightly higher than the EU average. On average, students in Germany spend around 850 euros per month on living costs. ... living expenses (rent, food, clothing, books, telephone, …) The most impor

Rome Food Journey

Rome is the capital city and a special comune of Italy as well as the capital of the Lazio region. The city has been a major human settlement for over two millennia. With 2,860,009 residents in 1,285 km², it is also the country's most populated comune The Roman Empire was the post-Republican period of ancient Rome. As a polity it included large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, North Africa and West Asia ruled by emperors Byzantine Empire The Byzantine Empire, also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantium, was the continuation of the Roman Empire in its eastern provinces during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantinople Rome is known for its stunning architecture, with the Colleseum, Pantheon, and Trevi Fountain as the main attractions. It was the center of the Roman Empire that ruled the European Continent for several ages. And, you'll find the smallest country in the world in Rome; Vatican City.

Luxembourg Food Journey

Luxembourg, officially the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is a landlocked country in western Europe. It is bordered by Belgium to the west and north, Germany to the east, and France to the south Travel To Luxembourg Luxembourg is a developed country, with an advanced economy and one of the world's highest GDP (PPP) per capita. The City of Luxembourg with its old quarters and fortifications was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994 due to the exceptional preservation of the vast fortifications and the old city. Breakfast in Luxembourg is generally a light affair, often consisting of a croissant or other baked good, a boiled egg or cereals and coffee. Lunch and dinner are larger meals, with lunch often eaten in a restaurant or at work. Perhaps the most traditional of all Luxembourg meat dishes is Judd mat Gaardebounen, smoked collar of pork with broad beans. The pork is soaked overnight, then boiled with vegetables and spices. Served in copious slices together with the

North korea food journey/ Russian

Очень интересная северокорейская кухня несколько варьируется в зависимости от региона, жители используют несколько основных продуктов по всей стране. Основу северокорейской еды составляют холодная лапша (наунг-мион), тофу, рис с короткой крупой и каша. Мясо, такое как птица, утка и говядина, также являются основными продуктами питания в Северной Корее, а также морепродукты и овощи. Ненадлежащее управление экономикой и потеря советской поддержки привели к быстрому сокращению производства и импорта продуктов питания. Серия наводнений и засух усугубила кризис. Правительство Северной Кореи и его централизованно спланированная система оказались слишком негибкими, чтобы эффективно остановить катастрофу. Кимчи: национальное блюдо Южной Кореи. В соответствии с его традиционным определением, кимчи - это ферментированный корейский гарнир из овощей и приправ. Сотни различных вариантов этого блюда известны во всем мире, но чаще всего его готовят из капусты Напа, редьки, зеленого лука или

Norway Food Journey

Norway is a Scandinavian country encompassing mountains, glaciers and deep coastal fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Preserved 9th-century Viking ships are displayed at Oslo’s Viking Ship Museum. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, The Norwegian cuisine. From sweet treats like wild berries, waffles and brown cheese, to savory reindeer-, moose- and lamb dishes, prepared by some of the world´s best cooks. And not to forget: Fresh king crab, salmon and the famous Atlantic "skrei" cod. Enjoy both the new and the traditional flavors of Norway. Norwegians love this sweetened variety of the traditional soft flatbread with a cup of coffee. It is slathered with a blend of butter, sugar and cinnamon, then meticulously folded or rolled and cut into portions so that it's easy to carry. The need to quickly get back into the fields after dinner perhaps

Croatia food journey / Путешествие в Хорватию

Хорватия - восточноевропейская страна с длинной береговой линией на Адриатическом море. Охватывающий более тысячи островов, он также пересекается Динарскими Альпами. Его внутренняя столица, Загреб, отличается средневековым Горни-Градом (Верхний город) и разнообразными музеями. Главный прибрежный город Дубровник имеет массивные стены 16-го века, окружающие Старый город с готическими и ренессансными зданиями Хотя я люблю Хорватию, я считаю, что еда не очень хорошая. Мясо, приготовленное под железным колпаком, - одна из лучших вещей, которую они делают, и рыба на гриле хорошая, но очень дорогая. ... Для более качественной рыбной муки попробуйте Proto. Еще один хороший, несколько высококлассный ресторан недалеко от Старого города называется Сезам. «Традиционный» завтрак в континентальной Хорватии обычно состоит из поленты и кукурузного хлеба с салом, капелькой паприки и крепкого кофе. Со временем начали вводиться яйца, которые стали составной частью завтрака, а также мясного ассорт